Updated Sep 2, 2022

Potty training your Cane Corso is clearly an essential task. Even if a dog is man's best friend, it's difficult to live in harmony if this basic behavior is not in place. When you get a Cane Corso pup, enroll it in the potty training drill immediately, as a priority, regardless of any other forms of training.
In this article, we'll look into how to establish a potty training regime, together with some important do's and don'ts
Expect accidents to happen in the early days of potty training your Cane Corso. The trick is never giving up on the drill, because the correct behavior is so essential later in their adult life, when they transform from a cute little puppy to a huge adult dog.
Are Cane Corsos Easy To Potty Train
This is one of the most widespread questions among potential Cane Corso owners. In general, Cane Corsos tend to be easy to train because they are very loyal to their owners, and want to please them. Add the fact that Cane Corsos are typically smart dogs, and you have a good combination for easy training.
It's important that you recognize the signs that your Cane Corso needs to take care of business. Circling the door, sniffing the floor, and lifting the left leg for males are some of the common signs that your Cane Corso needs to use the potty.
Also, ensure you allow time to train the dog. Any kind of training takes dedication, consistency and patience.
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Cane Corso Potty Training Basics
When it comes to having a dog around your home, remember this: if it soils your house, you are at fault. To avoid the accidents, you need to control and teach your Cane Corso by introducing it to potty training from the earliest age possible.
Also, remember, consistency is the key to having a trained dog. If you fail in being consistent, you will likely have a half-trained dog that will always mess your house.
The first important point in potty training is to understand the needs of the dog — a puppy needs to answer the call of nature after eating, playing, and waking up.
Knowing your puppy's behavior is the key to offering it a proper potty drill.
You also need to keep a keen eye on the puppy in the house.
Don't give your Cane Corso puppy his evening meal and drink too close to bedtime. Dogs don't want to mess in their beds. They've learnt from an early age as the mother cleans up the nest stimulating their evacuation.
Your Cane Corso Potty Training Routine
The very first time you bring your puppy home, you should put him down in a designated area where you wish to use as his toilet area. This designated area will make the whole learning process easier as he can smell where he's been, which helps him remember where he has marked.
Let him have a little explore around the yard. If you already have an older dog, this is the time and place to introduce them, on a lead. The garden is a less confined area, and the older dog probably won't find the puppy threatening.
Then take your new puppy into the house. He should be confined to a defined area of the house, at first. Kitchens and pantries are often a good place, because they tend to have hard floors, which makes it easier to clean up any accidents.
A Day In The Life
We always had their crates in our bedroom, so our puppies didn't feel lonely. Some people leave their puppy in the kitchen area. It all depends where you want him to be.
Obviously, eventually, he will be free to roam the house. After all, he's your guard dog.
But that could take until he's an adult, maybe 2-3 yrs old.
You will initially need to take him out a couple of times in the night. Think of a human baby — it's about the same. But a dog will usually be trained quicker and you can extend the time between potty breaks as he progresses.
A lot of people suggest giving them a treat after every success, then as time goes on they cut it down. Sometimes the puppy will be happy to be given his favorite toy as a reward.
Some puppies catch on faster than others, just like kids. Big dogs are usually more easily trained than little dogs — with little dogs, everything is much smaller.
There are many toilet training gadgets on the market, to fit all sorts of living conditions. But this time-tested training method is the original and it works. Just be patient. Your dog will try his very best not to soil his crate and, soon, he will sleep through the night.
It can be exhausting, keeping up with all the things a puppy needs, just like a human baby. But you will be rewarded by the most fantastic friend. Give him kindness and patience and you will reap the rewards.
Crate Training Helps With Potty training
A crate is an essential piece of equipment. You should get a crate based on the size the puppy will grow into. You can get dividers to section off a bed area and toilet area. This is a great idea in the beginning, when the crate is too big and the puppy is not yet toilet trained.
You need to train your Cane Corso to sleep in his crate. Keep in mind if the puppy gets in the habit of sleeping on the bed or sofa without invitation, it's because it thinks it has an equal rank to all family members.
In a litter of Cane Corso puppies, the dominant puppy sleeps on higher ground than the rest. Taking the high ground communicates he is a leader. Thus, you need to train your puppy to sleep in his designated spot. However, ensure the puppy does not feel alone. It's best to have them in your room.
In addition to all its other benefits, a crate plays a pivotal role in potty training. Your puppy will have a natural instinct not to relieve himself in the place where he sleeps. So the crate helps him to develop control, in addition to protecting your floor from the occasional accidents when you are asleep.
Puppies sleep a lot, and your Cane Corso will grow an enormous amount in his first year. So will his bladder capacity. Every month he grows, he can go another hour. So at 3 months, he can hold his pee for 3 hours.
How Long Does It Take To Potty Train A Cane Corso?
In fact, one of our dogs took 3 years! Not naming any names here, because I wouldn't want him to be embarrassed. We had actually given up and accepted it. We had hard floors throughout the house, so it was not as much of a problem as it would have been with carpets.
Then, out of the blue, he suddenly 'got it' and went to the front door to go out. He was flawless after that and never had another accident.
But that is very unusual — it's by far the longest time I have ever heard of.
General consensus amongst the stuff I have seen online is that it typically takes 4 to 6 months for a puppy to become house-trained. And it could take up to 12 months for a dog who is slower to learn.
In general, Cane Corsos are smart dogs, and they are keen to please their owners, so they tend to learn quickly and retain their training well.
When Should A Dog Be 100% Potty Trained?
We saw above that potty training can take anything up to a year. But most dogs will become fully trained somewhere between 4 and 6 months. It's important that you begin potty training as soon as you bring your puppy home.
New puppies are usually ready to go to their new owners at 8 weeks old. In which case, your Cane Corso will probably be fully potty trained by the time he is 6 months to 8 months old.
Can An Older Dog Still Be Potty Trained?
Keeping a mature dog in your house that is not well trained is going to be frustrating. An older dog will have habits in place that need to be broken and replaced. But an older dog can still be house trained.
For best results with an adult Cane Corso dog, you need to train him with frequent and consistent potty sessions. Regular repetition will go a long way in getting the dog to understand.
So How Do You Potty Train An Older Dog?
Here are some pointers on how to potty train an adult Cane Corso.
Create space for the training
When you set aside a designated place for a mature dog to do his business, you help with its reflex responses.
Also, if the mature dog is used to sleeping in a crate, then potty training should not be a big issue.
When supervising the dog, always keep him in his designated potty area, and he will eventually make the association, and form the habit of going there.
Proper cleaning of accidents
An untrained dog will make mistakes and have accidents. Try not to get cross. Clean it up well. Use an enzyme cleaner — that will help get rid of the remaining smell. This is important because they do revisit spots where they have previously been. Remember, they can smell up to 1000 times better than us.
Ensure the Dog Visits the Potty Area Once Every Hour
Take your dog every hour to the designated potty area. Do not stare at him or watch him — act as if you are bored to avoid distracting the dog from pottying. If the dog relieves himself, give him a treat as soon as it's done.
If the dog does not do his stuff within 5 minutes, take him back to the house for 30 minutes, and then take him back to the potty area. Repeat the procedure until the dog learns to associate the call of nature with going outside.
After the Potty Time, Spend Some Playtime Outside
When the dog is done with business, consider staying outdoors for some time. If you take the door back to the house immediately, this could make the dog think pottying brings a sudden end to its playtime. Hence, when training a mature Cane Corso, it's a good idea to spend 5 or 10 minutes playing after the potty session.
This trick helps the dog learn quickly and look forward to the playtime after every pottying session.
Repeat The Procedures Every Day
All dogs learn best by consistent repetition. Mature dogs are no exception. Thus, when you decide to train a mature Cane Corso dog, commit to sufficient training to ensure the dog learns the instructions.
Praising and giving the dog a treat every time it successfully uses your designated potty area goes a long way to ensure the dog becomes fully trained.
Remember, frequent potty breaks are a good starting point for the training. In the early training days, make sure you have sufficient time to spend with the dog.
When you are not available for rigorous training, ensure the dog is in a crate — but for whatever time he can comfortably hold.
Ensure you act consistently in every training you expose the dog to.
If you are strict about the routine, the dog will quickly understand the importance of relieving himself in the correct place, and learn faster.
The rate of learning will vary from dog to dog. While some dogs can learn very quickly, others can take many months to learn the same procedure. Patience is essential throughout the entire process.
Keep Track Of Progress and Patterns
Training a mature Cane Corso dog can be a bit laborious, but you can minimize that. It can help to keep a chart or take notes of the dog's progress and establish a pattern of his calls of nature. The information helps you know when the dog needs a break and how long it can hold.
Finally, remember every Cane Corso has its unique character, and each dog responds uniquely to potty training.
But, whether training a mature dog or a puppy, it will always help if you can be patient. Be consistent and, before you know it, you will have a well-trained Cane Corso gracing the house.
Remember that giving your Cane Corso lavish praise, and maybe a treat, encourages the dog to do the right thing and learn quickly.
Related Training Info
Temperament Training
Cane Corso dogs typically have an excellent temperament. They are easy to have around in your home. However, when training a Cane Corso puppy, bear in mind that he will grow fast and become a muscular dog.
For these reasons, you need to have a program on temperament training to ensure the dog is disciplined and well-behaved around people.
Temperament training is essential in preventing the dog from becoming out of control. Attaining this at an early age helps the owner exercise control over the dog from the very beginning.
It's much easier this way, and you should take this seriously. You don't want to have a real problem when the puppy grows big and uncontrollable.
Cane Corso and Kids
Cane Corsos are gentle towards children, but you need to take extra caution when any dog is around kids. Unexpected behavior from kids can cause a problem with any dog.
But, with a Cane Corso, you also have to consider its size and strength as an adult — a large, muscular dog over 100 lbs could knock over a small child quite accidentally.
Also, remember to teach your children about the puppy. Train your kids to avoid teasing, hurting, and being too rough. Cane Corso dogs have an excellent memory. They are patient, but any dog can become defensive when provoked.
Like all dogs, Cane Corsos should not be left alone with kids. For all the above reasons, your Cane Corso's interaction with kids should always be supervised, even when it's fully trained.
Are Cane Corsos Good House Dogs?
The answer is a resounding yes. A Cane Corso is a beautiful family dog. They are loyal and affectionate towards their family, and can protect you from intruders.
Cane Corsos are friendly, protective dogs that love to please their owners.
They need little other than the basic potty training and temperament training discussed above in order to be an asset for any house, and real friend to all the
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